Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I wish I were this clever...

So my blog-friend has a knack for finding amazing things on-line and posts them on her blog. I usually go there and 1) make a wish list and 2) realize that some people have been given a ridiculously large "creativity gene." Recently, she posted about this fun site: line-upon-line cards -- these are the cutest cards with a little bit of Mormon humor. Check out some of my favorites. Too clever...

So, what's your favorite "Mormon-ism?"


Unknown said...

I recently found that site, I laughed so hard! :) That is a fun blog, I will have to add it to my blogroll!! :)

Trish said...

Oh, so clever! I loved them all.

Laurie Nelson said...

I found these cards and ordered some. I will have to show you. They are really quite funny.

Lynette said...

Hehehehe....begat! That made me giggle!

Kate said...

Those are cute. How are you guys doing these days? Brady is sure getting big fast! His smile just makes my heart melt!

Lauralee said...

In New Hampshire if there is an r at the end of a word we take it off and if there is no r at the end of a word ending in a vowel we put one on.

My favorite New England mormonism, witnessed by Jay during a Sunday School lesson shortly after moving here,

Almar the Younga
