Friday, February 1, 2008

And Cash says *I* can't keep a secret...

Well, Cash came home yesterday pretty proud of himself because he bought my Valentine's Day present. Well, this is pretty amazing because 1) it's not February 13th and 2) because it was January!! Cash is known for a lot of things, but finishing before the deadline is not one of them. So, I'm very proud of him. He gets 200 gold stars.1

Anyway, I know because he called me from work asking about my shoe size. So, I'm really hoping he ordered these beauties. :sexy purring:

1 Cash and I both use a gold stars as a teaching tool. I tell my students at the beginning of the semester that they can earn gold stars (i.e. great group work = 10 gold stars). If they earn 1,000 gold stars they can earn a letter grade. Obviously, it's just a gimmick and impossible to earn 1,000 gold stars, but the students get into it and it becomes a running joke throughout the semester. They start asking for gold stars (or deducting from each other for cell phones, etc.). It's fun.


Marisa said...

Man, I can't keep ANYTHING from you!?!

Captain Awesome

Kate said...

Cash is the man in my opinion. I joked with Corey this past Saturday that since he was at Target he could at least get the Valentine's card so he won't have to wait til the 13th. Never happened so I am proud of your husband for doing it on the last day of January!! I'll have to tell Corey-he'll hopefully feel somewhat guilty and not think of me at the last minute.

Anonymous said...

Those shoes are going to look HOT! And you can wear them when you give piano lessons!!

Kate said...

Ok, so I am leaving another comment b/c I was looking at Valentine's today and thought of your little post of how proud you were of Cash getting your gift on the last day of January. Well, as I kept thinking, I couldn't figure out why he called you to ask you for your shoe size when he could have just looked in your closet! It would be more of a suprise if it had been done that way. Have a great weekend!!

Trish said...

Hey - at least you get a Valentine's gift! I remember a Valetine's about 10 years ago spent in the basement of the Governor's Mansion. The good ole days!!