It was a good push to update on all that's been happening. Here's some highlights:
1. Ava started nursery!!! This is definitely a #1 highlight for any of you who have had to endure through the 3 hour Sunday services from the comfort of the hallway with a 14-18 month old.
2. We enjoyed watching BSU football; granted there was that "little heartbreaker" in Reno, but we're surviving. In fact, Cash is surviving well enough that he's driving to Las Vegas for the bowl game at this very moment.
3. Spencer turned 11! I can't believe it; he started boy scouts, had Priesthood Preview, and got to watch "the video" at school. He loved two of the three.
4. The fifth annual Halloween Party was a blast -- the literature theme sparked lots of fun, and original costumes. (pictures posted later)
(unfortunately you can't see the tennis balls on the bottom of Cash's walker)
5. We enjoyed Thanksgiving in Burley with my brother and sister's families. We are thankful for our many, many blessings.
I've got some pictures of our Christmas activities I will post soon.